Our Goals
The European Society for Sleep Health is a non-profit association which wants to ensure better sleep health in Europe.Modern man today is exposed to a very high level of stress in his everyday life. On the one hand, this permanent pressure has a negative effect on the sleep quality – because many people literally take their problems to sleep with them. On the other hand, it is particularly important for people under pressure that they can “refuel” regularly – and this can only be achieved through restful sleep. Healthy sleep has thus become vital for modern man. As to give sleep the position it deserves, we have set ourselves three goals:
First, we want to raise the awareness how important healthy sleep for our general health is. We provide information and education – on the internet, in publications and at events on sleep health.
Second, we want to change the fact that many important aspects of sleep health have not been (adequately) researched. That is why we regularly grant research awards or scholarships.
Third, we want to establish and promote quality standards for sleep health products. For many of these products, it is currently difficult for consumers to correctly assess whether a product has a medical benefit and for which areas of application it is suitable. This should change with our help. We want to create more transparency for such product categories through quality standards that consumers can use as an easy guide.
Why We Founded This Association
His grandfather died in his sleep in 1988. Since he had reached a blessed age of 82 years, his death did not raise any questions back then. However, one must know that the deceased had complained for decades that he “he can’t breathe at night” and had the feeling of suffocation. He told the same story over and over again – namely that he was lying in bed and the ceiling of the room fell down on him and he suffocated under the rubble. His family and friends misjudged the stories simply as “nightmares” and the doctors did not believe him. They thought he was very healthy, after all his daytime respiratory performance was excellent.
Looking back on this case with today’s medical knowledge, one wonders very quickly how one could not think of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) back then! The answer is as simple as it is sad – because this disease was not sufficiently known at the time. Grandfather died because nobody thought about OSA. Not the doctor, not the man’s environment. Fortunately, the situation today is different. Almost every doctor has OSA on his radar and no prudent doctor today would carelessly ignore descriptions like those of the old man.
But the patient has to see a doctor first! And on this point, unfortunately, the situation today is not yet really different from that back in 1988: The general public still knows little or nothing about sleep-related diseases and the consequences of unhealthy sleep. And it is the personal circle, relatives or acquaintances, which sends people with nocturnal breathing problems or sleep disorders to the doctor for the first time. And for them to do that, they need to know. And for educating people, we founded the ESSH!
We want to bring sleep health into the public eye. We want to raise awareness of this important topic. And because diseases do not stop at national borders, we do not want to stop at national borders with our educational efforts. We are promoting the issue throughout Europe. We are convinced that the topic is “too big for a single country”. This concerns the issue of awareness, it concerns research funding, it concerns quality standards. Health problems occur equally throughout Europe. That is why we are bundling our efforts throughout Europe.
ESSH is a non-profit association which pursues a truly interdisciplinary approach. This means that we are involved in numerous scientific disciplines and the voice of each individual is important to us. Besides physicians, also engineers (fluid physicists) and social scientists are active for our association. After all, sleep-related diseases cannot be explained and solved with medical knowledge alone. In addition, it is very important to us to combine basic scientific work with practical experience. That is why among our members are also numerous patients, their relatives and people interested in sleep health in general.
Our Statutes
Our statutes set the framework for our association's activities - in particular, they define our non-profit status.View statutes hereAssociation’s Bodies
The European Society for Sleep Health is a registered non-profit association which acts through two bodies, namely the Board and the General Meeting.Board

Ms. Koleva can look back on a long and very successful career as an engineer. Through affected relatives, she came into contact with sleep health issues (restless legs syndrome, breathing problems during sleep). With her extensive experience and technical know-how, she quickly assumed a leading role in the association and, as the first chairwoman, she is now in charge of the strategy and focus of our association.

Jan Wrede studied human medicine at the Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg and practices as a physician in Berlin. Throughout his studies, he was intensively working on sleep health and snoring issues (habitual / pathological snoring). He is also the author of numerous popular medical articles on these topics. Mr Wrede is responsible at ESSH for assessing all issues from a medical perspective and ensuring the high quality of our information campaigns.

Mr. Wakonig has been promoting research and development on sleep health for over 10 years. He regularly publishes articles on sleep health and snoring. He promotes and coordinates several research projects with universities in these fields and also gives lectures and seminars on consumer health topics. In addition, Mr. Wakonig has been developing sleep health solutions for over 10 years through his own medical technology company. Mr Wakonig is responsible at ESSH for identifying new topics and innovations in the field of sleep health and presenting them to the general public.
General Meeting
The General Meeting regularly takes place once a year. In particular, it is in charge of receiving the annual report of the Board and approving its actions, determining the amount and due date of the annual contribution and electing and dismissing members of the Board.
We have compiled a list of useful links to other sleep health associations. It can be found here:American Association of Sleep Technologists
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Sleep Research Society
Armenian Sleep Disorders Association
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung ÖGSM / Austrian Sleep Research Association ASRA
Belgian Association for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine
British Sleep Society
Bulgarian Association of Obstructive Sleep Apnea & Snoring
Canadian Sleep Society
Czech Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Society
Dansk Selskab for søvnmedicin
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM)
Nederlandse vereniging voor Slaap – Waak Onderzoek
Estonian Sleep Medicine Association
SUS (Finland)
Société Française de Recherche et Médecine du Sommeil
Hungarian Society for Sleep Medicine
Icelandic Sleep Research Society
Indian Society for Sleep Research
Irish Sleep Society
Integrated Sleep Medicine Society Japan
Associazione Italiana Medicina del Sonno AIMS
Japanese Sleep Research Society
Korean Academy of Sleep Medicine
Norwegian Society of Sleep Medicine
Fédération Marocaine de Médecine de Sommeil et Vigilance
Polskie Towarzystwo Badań nad Snem
Associação Portuguesa do Sono
Societatea Romana de Pneumologie
Russian Society of Somnologists
Slovenská spoločnosť spánkovej medicíny
Serbian Sleep Society
SES Sociedad Española de Sueño
Swedish Sleep Research
Swiss Society for Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology
Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine
Turkish Sleep Medicine Society
(Europäische Gesellschaft für Schlafgesundheit e.V.)
Auf der Höhe 4
D-91341 Röttenbach
+49 9195 9999097